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16 AUGUST 08


Museum thanks Volunteers at 2008 Picnic


Tom Hansen, Northwest Director of the Air Force Association, presents a check from the McChord Chapter to Herb Mellor, President of the McChord Air Museum Foundation.


Story by Herb Mellor, President of the McChord Air Museum Foundation.

With the forecast of temperatures in the upper 80s into the low 90s, we wondered how many folks would attend this years picnic. it was quite warm, but the picnic facility was cooled by a wind blowing across the runway and up the hill.

the food was great, as was the opportunity  to fellowship with a wonderful group of volunteers and their families. A special thanks to former museum administrator Shon Zawada, who spent many hours before the picnic barbequing pork, beef, and chicken. We appreciate your continued support of the Museum.

In addition to Shon, we wish to thank the following individuals for their assistance in assuring the success of the picnic - Jim Bernethy, Chuck Bowen, Gary Bowen, Louella & Howard Collicott, Randy Getz, Ray Jordan Dotty Ullery, and Jack Whitaker.

Our sincere appreciation to the McChord Chapter of the Air Force Association for their generosity in assisting the McChord Air Museum Foundation in it's ongoing efforts to underwrite the costs of Museum projects

Website provided and maintained by:
The McChord Air Museum Foundation
P.O. Box 4205
McChord AFB, WA. 98438-0205
e-mail - mamfound@mcchordairmuseum.org