Thank you for your help in maintaining an Air Force Museum in the Northwest with your donation to the McChord Air Museum Foundation. To make a donation, please print this form, indicate the amount of your donation, and if you would like to help a particular aircraft or project. Send completed form with a check or money order (no cash please) to: 

The McChord Air Museum Foundation P.O. Box 4205, McChord AFB, WA. 98438-0205  or more information please contact - (253) 982-2485 or email

McChord Air Museum funding categories 
(Check one)

_____ $50 - Bronze Flight             _____ $100 - Silver Flight  


______ $500 - Gold Flight            ______ $1000 or more  -  Platinum Flight


This gift is  ___ in Memory of   ___ in Honor of _________________________


Occasion _________________________________


I would like my donation to be directed to the following aircraft or project: 



The McChord Air Museum Foundation is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Funds contributed  are deductible for income tax purposes to the full extent allowed by law.  
Name :___________________________________________________________________
Address : __________________________________________________   Apt : _________
City : ______________________    State/ Providence ____________  Zip ______________
 Phone: ____________________________   e-mail : _________________________
     I    ___am   /   ___am not  interested in joining the McChord Air Museum Foundation.
   I  ____ have  /   ____ have not been to the McChord Air Museum . ( Year visited _______ )